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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed October 29, 2024Direct deposit October 31, 2024

Who We Are

The Kern County Employees’ Retirement Association (KCERA) is a multi-employer, defined benefit pension plan in Kern County, California, governed by the County Employees’ Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) and subject to the requirements of the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). KCERA is considered a “governmental plan,” as defined in Section 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code.

KCERA administers service retirementsdisability retirements and survivorship benefits on behalf of 24,000 active, deferred and retired members and their beneficiaries. The plan provides lifetime retirement benefits to members who meet the minimum age and service credit requirements. After a retired member dies, an eligible beneficiary may be entitled to a lifetime continuance of the benefit.

Mission Statement

KCERA’s mission is to expertly administer retirement benefits, prudently invest
the assets of the Association, and provide quality membership services to eligible
public employees, retirees and their beneficiaries.

Administration of KCERA

Oversight of the retirement plan is vested in the nine-member Board of Retirement, but the day-to-day administration of KCERA is carried out by the Chief Executive Officer, whose leadership team manages the following areas: Administration, Member Services, Accounting & Reporting, Investments, Information Technology and Communications.

KCERA Organizational Chart

Organizational chart of KCERA, detailing various positions and departments.
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